Samstag, Oktober 05, 2013

Sensorly used to be great but sadly no more.

Dear Sensorly,

your monitoring/measuring application used to be great. Since the latest update the app annoys me.

Starting the app
I don't want to see the statistics pane on the startup of the application. I want to see the map - FULLSCREEN. I want to see where I am and how good the signal is. No statistics. If I want to see statistics I want to find that entry in the menu. Not permanently on the screen.

Map trip
So I click on START and it starts mapping. Fine. Now why is the button for the map so small?

Actual scanning
I want to see where I am and where I have to go to further enhance the map. "To boldly go where no man has gone before". Again - the statistics pane pops up, I don't want to see the statistics. I want to see the map - FULLSCREEN. My position or better the symbol should be centered at any time in the middle of the screen. It should not move to the border of the map and then "jump" back when it moves out of the map sector.

GUI / General appearance
Can you please implement a night mode? It's too bright at night.

"Map freshness"
There is a menu entry both under "Display" and "General" for "Map freshness". Is this on purpose?

User management
Years (?) ago I asked for some kind of user management. I want to know how "good" I am compared to other users. Also I lose my points when I change the device or the ROM. Points should be portable by storing them centrally on your server.